Marloth Park Rules & Regulations

You have now entered into a Wildlife Conservation Area

Critical Applicable Road Rules:

  1. No speeding: Tarred Roads Max-50km/h; Sand Roads Max – 30 km/h
  2. No passengers allowed on Tailgates/side steps/window-cills/ Roof of the car while driving
  3. No unlicensed/under aged person to drive any vehicle
  4. No children allowed on the drivers lap
  5. No Drinking and driving
  6. No vehicles or people allowed on park land (no shortcuts)

Regulations applicable to any one entering and staying in Marloth Park

  1. No loud noise at any time – Music, conversation, screaming, revving of vehicles
  2. No noise after 21H00 on any day of the week
  3. No fireworks – Fire hazard
  4. No domesticated pets – as per the rules of Marloth Park
  5. No Spotlights are to be used for animal viewing from cars or property
  6. No cutting down or removing of vegetation and trees – Heavy Fines Imposed
  7. No open Fires – Only in designated fire places or when safe to do so (wind warnings)
  8. No littering of any sort as it kills our animals or they get entangled
  9. No drones allowed – lets respect each other’s privacy and the animals
  10. No discharging of fire arms – Except for self-defence as a last resort
  11. No hand feeding of animals – These are wild animals and they can hurt you (No maize or bread.) Purchase proper animal feed at the local shops
  12. No walking/cycling between 18H00 – 06H00 for your own safety as predators can get through the fence from time to time
  13. No off road motorbikes or quad bikes allowed to be operated anywhere in the parking area
  14. No Building/Construction work between Saturday 12H00 till Monday 07H00 General courtesy request to all in Marloth
  15. Reduce your speed even further after dark as allot of animals are more active at night and on the roads. This is to prevent you damaging your vehicle and to prevent you accidentally killing our animals
  16. Place all your garbage in black refuse bags and remove them after your stay and drop them at the entrance Agates dump site on your way out
  17. No Home owners or Local authorities take any Responsibility for your safety – you entered at own risk Please take all necessary precautions to insure you / your Group safety

Regulations applicable to any Person/Persons staying in lodge

  1. Use of THE GREAT KAMBAKU LODGE and surrounding parkland is at your own risk the owners and staff – take no responsibility for your safety and belongings
  2. The house alarm must be set to arm when house is not occupied and at night in stay mode
  3. All doors and window must be closed when the room is not occupied – High Risk of Baboons – Dangerous
  4. Do not leave kids unattended at any time around pool
  5. This is a Wildlife Conservation Area and the animals are wild – High Risk of Harm
  6. Please ask Staff for WhatsApp group to keep updated of any carnivore warnings in the park

If a Complaint is Logged the Local Authorises Do Have The Right To Issue Fines Of Up To R2500.00 And / Or Refuse Entry / Remove Persons From Marloth Park By SAPS